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Sunday, 14 August 2011

Think ‘Twice’ Before Saying You’ll Fight Against The Corruption.

For last many days my Facebook profile is full of notifications related to Anna Hazare and Youth’s Campaign for making India a corruption free nation and getting many invitations for the online events of Facebook for joining Anna’s campaign. But the most interesting thing is that most of them who click on the like button of the facebook or retweet on twitter doesn’t know even what they are talking about. Because in India nobody wastes his time on thinking and reading, it’s a country of stereotypes and followers. When every one get shifted from Orkut to Facebook, we also shift to it. Now since everyone is attending Anna’s Campaign so we will also join whether we know anything about Jan Lokpal Bill or not. Nothing Matters! We just know Anna is  trend today so we’ll follow Anna.

But friends before clicking on ‘Like’ Button or ‘Retweet’ option or joining campaign against the corruption just ask yourself. Ask yourself “ Am I Really Honest?”. Don’t worry let me help you to find whether you are corrupt or not. Just keep your hand on your heart and answer the following questions:

  • Do you give bribe to Traffic Police after breaking rules of Traffice?
  • Do you perform all the duties assigned to your post without misusing the powers whether you are teacher, doctor, engineer or simply student?
  • Do you smoke on public places?
  • Do you take liquor on public places?
  • Do you travel in reserved compartment after buying ticket of general compartment in train and settle the issue with TT with the help of bribe?
    If you still find yourself incorrupt then you have complete right to fight for making our country Corruption Free. Because CORRUPTION in India is now a major concern for all patriotic citizens because of scams galore such as Satyam, IPL, CWG, and 2G Spectrum etc. By all objective criteria, India today is by far one of the most corrupt governed nation. It  affects both growth of nation as well as its global image.

And for those who failed in the above test should first rectify themselves. Because according to Gandhiji  “If you rectify one corner of square others will be rectified automatically”. So before giving suggestions and writing slogans on the Facebook think about yourself twice. Because government doesn’t say to break the traffic rules and give bribe to the Traffic Police for settling the issue. Government doesn’t come to lit your cigarette on the roads or public places. Government doesn’t come to make your pegs when you drink openly. Government doesn’t buy your Train tickets. I know some may have get hurt by above paragraph. But, it’s a bitter truth.

I found very good lines in one of my friend’s blog We are beholding the inexistence of character so we must build character and corruption will automatically evaporate.” I am completely agree with him. Because the Lokpal will also be an Indian and he will be one of us then what’s a guarantee that he will not misuse of his powers.


It is clear that no bill or law can make India a corruption free nation whether it is PCA or Lokpal until we rectify ourself. If you really want to do something , if you really want to reduce Corruption then go and fight where the corruption actually  takes place whether it is village level offices, tehsils, police stations, collectorates, income tax or custom offices. Otherwise stop writing patriotic slogans on the Facebook, stop clicking on the ‘Like’ Button of the Facebook or ‘Retweet’ option of the Twitter. Stop discussing on this topic by sitting in Café Coffee Day or Barista and Keep your mouth shut.

Jai Hind!

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