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Saturday, 20 August 2011

Anna - The Name Is Enough!

Nowadays whole country is engaged in supporting Anna Hazare by every possible means like Facebook Fan Pages, Like Buttons, Twitter's Timeline, Peaceful Rallies, Dharnas etc. The presence of Anna Hazare can be feel more effective in a digital world. My last post Think Twice Before Saying You'll Fight Against The Corruption got around 150 hits which was related to corruption and Anna Hazare.

As nobody wants to miss this golden opportunity to market himself , companies are no exception. In the mean time when I was reading different stories related to Anna Hazare on different social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Digg etc. I found very interesting news that some days before Nokia had launched improved version of its Symbian OS known as Symbian Anna., with different features like Easy Typing, Faster Browsing and Better Email Services. As we know that nowadays Nokia is getting hit from all the angles by its competitors like Samsung and Apple, only the 'Magic of Anna' can do something.

The index of popularity of Anna Hazare in Digital World of Internet is increasing day by day. Google's tool for searching popular keywords Google Adwords Keyword Tool has revealed that Anna Keyword is generating 135,000 hits globally.

So there is a suggestion for all the content writers of websites and bloggers that before writing content keep Anna in Mind .

Read Also: 

Think Twice Before Saying You'll Fight Against The Corruption

UK Riots 2011- Result of Moral Decay and Consumerism

Clash Of The Titans

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