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Monday, 29 August 2011

What is What???

There are many things, words, phenomenon which we use and take experience in our day to day life but can't define them. For example: Love, Kiss, Facebook, Twitter, Jan Lokpal Bill (nowadays most popular on net in India), Emotions etc.
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It is one of the most difficult as well as interesting question for the mankind. Love can’t be defined by just simple two lines or 3-4 words. Love is other name of patience, kindness, intimacy, attachment, emotional bonding, friendship etc. Love can be considered as Polymer made up by joining different small units. The best thing of Love is that in this we focus only goodness of other person. It doesn’t matter how you define love but it is the eternal truth.

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Facebook :
Facebook is a social networking site launched in February 2004. This site helps in making a personal profile adding other users as friends and exchange messages. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates.

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It is an art of expressing your  feelings and sentiments. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. At some places kiss is used to express sentiments of love, passion while at some places it is used to express affection, greeting, friendship.In some conditions kiss is a symbolic gesture of indicating devotion, respect or greeting.

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According to Wikipedia “Gandhism is the collection of inspirations, principles, beliefs and philosophy of Gandhiji” In other words we can say that following the Principles of Gandhiji like truth and non-violence and practicing them is known as Gandhism.

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Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging site, founded by Jack Dorsey in March 2006. Twitter describes itself as, “a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?” But nowadays Twitter is one of the most important tool for online marketing that enables its users quick exchange of information and viral marketing.

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Jan Lokpal Bill
The Jan Lokpal Bill is a draft anti corruption bill according to which there will be a appointment of a Jan Lokpal, an independent body that would investigate corruption cases and complete the investigation within a year.
Institution called Lokpal at the centre and Lokayukta in each state will be set up..These institutions will be completely independent of the governments like Supreme Court and Election Commission and no minister or bureaucrat will be able to influence their investigations.

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Saturday, 20 August 2011

Anna - The Name Is Enough!

Nowadays whole country is engaged in supporting Anna Hazare by every possible means like Facebook Fan Pages, Like Buttons, Twitter's Timeline, Peaceful Rallies, Dharnas etc. The presence of Anna Hazare can be feel more effective in a digital world. My last post Think Twice Before Saying You'll Fight Against The Corruption got around 150 hits which was related to corruption and Anna Hazare.

As nobody wants to miss this golden opportunity to market himself , companies are no exception. In the mean time when I was reading different stories related to Anna Hazare on different social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Digg etc. I found very interesting news that some days before Nokia had launched improved version of its Symbian OS known as Symbian Anna., with different features like Easy Typing, Faster Browsing and Better Email Services. As we know that nowadays Nokia is getting hit from all the angles by its competitors like Samsung and Apple, only the 'Magic of Anna' can do something.

The index of popularity of Anna Hazare in Digital World of Internet is increasing day by day. Google's tool for searching popular keywords Google Adwords Keyword Tool has revealed that Anna Keyword is generating 135,000 hits globally.

So there is a suggestion for all the content writers of websites and bloggers that before writing content keep Anna in Mind .

Read Also: 

Think Twice Before Saying You'll Fight Against The Corruption

UK Riots 2011- Result of Moral Decay and Consumerism

Clash Of The Titans

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Think ‘Twice’ Before Saying You’ll Fight Against The Corruption.

For last many days my Facebook profile is full of notifications related to Anna Hazare and Youth’s Campaign for making India a corruption free nation and getting many invitations for the online events of Facebook for joining Anna’s campaign. But the most interesting thing is that most of them who click on the like button of the facebook or retweet on twitter doesn’t know even what they are talking about. Because in India nobody wastes his time on thinking and reading, it’s a country of stereotypes and followers. When every one get shifted from Orkut to Facebook, we also shift to it. Now since everyone is attending Anna’s Campaign so we will also join whether we know anything about Jan Lokpal Bill or not. Nothing Matters! We just know Anna is  trend today so we’ll follow Anna.

But friends before clicking on ‘Like’ Button or ‘Retweet’ option or joining campaign against the corruption just ask yourself. Ask yourself “ Am I Really Honest?”. Don’t worry let me help you to find whether you are corrupt or not. Just keep your hand on your heart and answer the following questions:

  • Do you give bribe to Traffic Police after breaking rules of Traffice?
  • Do you perform all the duties assigned to your post without misusing the powers whether you are teacher, doctor, engineer or simply student?
  • Do you smoke on public places?
  • Do you take liquor on public places?
  • Do you travel in reserved compartment after buying ticket of general compartment in train and settle the issue with TT with the help of bribe?
    If you still find yourself incorrupt then you have complete right to fight for making our country Corruption Free. Because CORRUPTION in India is now a major concern for all patriotic citizens because of scams galore such as Satyam, IPL, CWG, and 2G Spectrum etc. By all objective criteria, India today is by far one of the most corrupt governed nation. It  affects both growth of nation as well as its global image.

And for those who failed in the above test should first rectify themselves. Because according to Gandhiji  “If you rectify one corner of square others will be rectified automatically”. So before giving suggestions and writing slogans on the Facebook think about yourself twice. Because government doesn’t say to break the traffic rules and give bribe to the Traffic Police for settling the issue. Government doesn’t come to lit your cigarette on the roads or public places. Government doesn’t come to make your pegs when you drink openly. Government doesn’t buy your Train tickets. I know some may have get hurt by above paragraph. But, it’s a bitter truth.

I found very good lines in one of my friend’s blog We are beholding the inexistence of character so we must build character and corruption will automatically evaporate.” I am completely agree with him. Because the Lokpal will also be an Indian and he will be one of us then what’s a guarantee that he will not misuse of his powers.


It is clear that no bill or law can make India a corruption free nation whether it is PCA or Lokpal until we rectify ourself. If you really want to do something , if you really want to reduce Corruption then go and fight where the corruption actually  takes place whether it is village level offices, tehsils, police stations, collectorates, income tax or custom offices. Otherwise stop writing patriotic slogans on the Facebook, stop clicking on the ‘Like’ Button of the Facebook or ‘Retweet’ option of the Twitter. Stop discussing on this topic by sitting in CafĂ© Coffee Day or Barista and Keep your mouth shut.

Jai Hind!

Saturday, 13 August 2011

UK Riots 2011- Result of Moral Decay and Excessive Consumerism.

After the Google+, the incident which drew the attention of whole world was UK riots.Every social networking site is full of news and updates of UK riots including Twitter, Facebook, Digg etc. I have been searching for the reasons behind these riots and found that the whole event started on 6 August 2011 after the fatal shooting of a 29 year old civilian, Mark Duggan by officers of the Metropolitan Police Service. But I couldn’t digest this fact that death of one civilian can give birth to one of the worst riots on such a large scale in UK after 1981 which was due to de-industrialization of Britain.
When I was exploring the net I found that this whole event was the result of unrest in local people due to many issues such as high unemployment and cut in public services, recreational violence, criminal opportunism, tension with the local police etc. and the event of Fatal Shooting of Mark Duggan by Metropolitan Police Service played the role of Catalyst.
But one more thing added fuel to the fire due to which the whole outbreak had become unstoppable was the’ moral decay ‘ of the society about which the UK prime minister Cameron was also concerned in his speech "I have said before that there is a major problem in our society with children growing up not knowing the difference between right and wrong. This is not about poverty, it's about culture. A culture that glorifies violence, shows disrespect to authority, and says everything about rights but nothing about responsibilities".
I agree with him 200%. We can easily find why he raised question against the morality and culture of his country. Yes, every citizen should have right to raise his voice against irregularity of the system in any democratic country but here one famous quote of Spider Man movie is coming into my mind that “ With Power Responsibility Also Comes”.  It doesn’t mean that you start looting the stores  and fill your supermarket trolleys with stolen goods because normally you can’t afford them.


Its clear that UK riots 2011 were the result of not only successive sad events but also of Moral Decay and excessive consumerism where the looting become the primary objective. The events like looting occurs on a mass scale due to inequality in society, impoverishment of people and ebbing of the already exhausted social hope of people. I found very interesting lines in one blog of my friend who comment on the culture of UK  “They have been brought up in a culture, in which millionaires regularly read the Financial Times supplement every Saturday which advises them ‘How to Spend It’; while they live on the edge of destitution.”

But as London is promoting that its going to host best Olympics ever in 2012 the UK riots can increase the challenge because these disappointing riots have impacted the whole world and there is a feeling that London is on the brink of collapse. So hosting event like Olympics with such a negative image in the world is really going to be a challenge for the UK.

Let’s hope UK will prove itself and we’ll have best Olympics ever in 2012.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Clash Of The Titans

With the launch of Google plus everyone has started comparing the two giants of digital era i.e. Facebook and Google plus. First of all I want to give a big compliment to Google+ for their successful launch. Many ‘new’ social networks have failed miserably, but Google+ has immediately become the part of many’s life.

What is Google Plus?

According to Wikipedia “Google+ is a social networking service operated by Google Inc. The service launched on June 28, 2011 in an invite-only "field testing" phase.
Google+ integrates social services such as Google Profiles and Google Buzz, and introduces new services Circles, Hangouts, Sparks, and Huddles. Google+ is available as a web site, will be available as a desktop application and is already available as a mobile application, but only on the Android and iOS operating systems.”
According to  The New York Times Google+ is Google's biggest attempt to rival the social network Facebook  which had over 750 million users in 2011.

Lets have a look between difference and similarities among the features provided by Facebook and Google+ :-

1) Friends:

You send friend request to your friend and you can share things with him only when he accepts your request. But in Google+ there is a feature called Circles in which you can drag your friends and other persons of similar interests for getting updates from them and they add you in their circles to get updates from you.

2) Chatting Service:
The chatting service is available in facebook as well as google+. Both of them provide the group chatting service as well. So at this instance both are at equal.

3) Video Call Service:
The video calling has been recently introduced in facebook but this service is better in google+ in the form of Hangouts. This google+ service overtakes the points from facebook.

4) Friends List:
The friend list in facebook is managed under Friends, whereas this list is managed as Circles in google+. Managing Circles is really very simple and it is really user friendly as compared to facebook.

5) Notifications:
The notification on google+ can be seen and managed from any google application at the top right corner of the screen. You dont need necessarily to be on the Google+ application to view notification. But in facebook you need to login to your facebook account to view your notifications. Notifications for both the applications are manageable and can be managed from settings.

6) Search Friends:
Searching the friends and adding them in your group is really simple in google+ as compared to that in Facebook. As google+ is also associated with your gmail account its easy to invite number of friends on a single click. This is not available in facebook.

7) Sharing updates, videos, links and photos:
Sharing your updates, videos, links and photos is very much similar in both FB as well as G+. But google+ has extra advantage of sending the email update regarding the sharing to the users who are not on G+, this feature is not with FB.

8) Messages:
This feature of sending the messages is only in facebook and not in google+. But instead of this user can use the gmail service for mailing a private message.

9 ) Like or 1+:
This is used when any user likes any post or comment by other user. In facebook user can click Like button whereas in G+ user has to click 1+ button to like.

Google plus can be considered as one more attempt to challenge Facebook’s domination of the social networking  business. According to Google,  Google+ is more than a social product, or even a social strategy, it’s an extension of Google itself. Hence in other words Google is trying to mimic the real world environment with the help of Google+.
Google also has an advantage right now. They are the name in search engines, with over two thirds of the market share. They have their own browser, their own mobile phone OS and still process a ton of queries that lead to Facebook’s pages. 
Although Google is getting hit from all the angles by its opponents but hopefully Google+ will be proved as a Knock Out Punch for them.


Thursday, 4 August 2011

How To Install Wordpress In Your Local Computer With Xampp?

Note: This tutorial is intended for beginners who want to learn how to run WordPress locally.

Wordpress can be installed locally on your local computer . And you can run it on your local machine with the help of Xampp Server.

What is Xampp?

According to wikipedia " XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages."
So with the help of Xampp you can easily run wordpress on your local computer. By doing so, it will save your time from updating and previewing files. It is basically used for learning purpose You can also use the local version to test new plugins, themes, and upgrades.

So here are the simplified steps on How to install Wordpress locally with the help of Xampp:

  • First of all download Xampp from Download Xampp
  • Install Xampp on your computer by following its simple instructions.
  • Now download and unzip the wordpress package from the link Download wordpress
  • Now copy all the files of wordpress into the htdocs folder of xampp.
  • Rename the wp-config-sample.php file into wp-config.php present in wordpress package.
  • Now run the http://localhost/phpmyadmin in your web browser.
  • In the phpmyadmin page create the new database (wordpress will be good)
  • Click the Home icon in the upper left to return to the main page, then click Privileges. If a user relating to wordpress does not already exist in the list of users, create one.       

  • Chose a username for WordPress ('wordpress' is good) and enter it in the User name field. (Be sure Use text field: is selected from the dropdown.)
  • Choose a difficult-to-guess password (ideally containing a combination of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols), and enter it in the Password field. (Be sure Use text field: is selected from the dropdown.) Re-enter the password in the Re-type field.
  • Write down the username and password you chose.
  • Leave all options under Global privileges at their defaults. 
  • Click Go
  • Return to the Privileges screen and click the Check privileges icon on the user you've just created for WordPress. 
  • In the Database-specific privileges section, select the database you've just created for WordPress under the Add privileges to the following database dropdown. The page will refresh with privileges for that database. 
  • Click Check All to select all privileges, and click Go.
  • Update wp-config file with the following details

  • Username – wordpress (we have choosed at the time of database creation)
    Mysql username- (generally it remains root)
    Password – root in this case ( write what you have written at the time of database creation)
    DB_Host- generally it remains local host
                Leave DB_CHARSET and DB_COLLATE field as it is.                                                        
  • With your browser, go to http:// localhost/wordpress.php and follow the instructions to install WordPress.

  • Note: If you face any problem in above points, you can either contact me at or mention it in the comments.


    Monday, 1 August 2011

    Avoid 'Break Ups' When You Are At Home!!!

    Disclaimer – This blog post is not a Universal Truth. It is generally applicable to secret lovers.

    “A relationship breakup, often referred to simply as a breakup, is the termination of a usually intimate relationship by any means other than death. The act is commonly termed "dumping [someone]" in slang when it is initiated by one partner. The term is less likely to be applied to a married couple, where a breakup is typically called a separation or divorce. This definition of Break-Up by Wikipedia itself consists so much pain that it can be predicted how tough it would be for someone to bear it.
    The word ‘Break Up’ itself stands for sadness, frustation, loneliness etc. Breaking up is just like having the worst nightmare after having the best dream.
    The whole experience becomes worst when you are at home. The situation becomes more complex when you have to hide your feelings from the parents, siblings etc. When you just give a smile on Hillarious Jokes cracked by your brother or sister. When you are afraid lest anyone reads pain of your eyes. When you find yourself uncomfortable on seeing that your younger brother or sister is gazing at you.
    When you want to weep but unable to find any place. When you want to spend some time with yourself but can’t. When your relatives or neighbours start predictions of the disease you are sufferring from. Situation becomes interesting when some of them suggests you different remedies like Yoga, Meditation, Morning Walk etc. But at home no one can become even Devdas (drunker). After all liquor is consider as one of the best medicine for erasing someone from the memory.
    So next time when you feel that there is something wrong then say to your partner " Darling I dont think its going to work any more, so lets arrange 'Break-Up' Outing. "